Court Cases: Montana and Colorado

After September 21, 2001, Neal Chase has been continually attacked by the Covenant-breaking Baha’is in variety of court cases and venues. Of the collateral damage in these cases is the loss of his two children and the dissolution of his first marriage.

The Covenant-breakers first tried to hijack the second IBC/UHJ that Dr. Leland Jensen had established on January 9, 1991, exactly 40 years after Shoghi Effendi had established the first one in January 9, 1951. Exactly as the Hands and the liaison officer of the first Council Ruhiyyih Khanum had one and all rejected Mason Remey AGHSAN and attempted to hijack away the first IBC/UHJ and set up a headless Monster “UHJ” in its place, remarkably enough, the newly appointed members of the second IBC/UHJ including the second Liaison Officer, also attempting to dissolve the second IBC/UHJ. Neal Chase along with the other loyal members of the Council, active and firm in the Covenant were able to prevent this, and the council remains established since 1991.

Having found themselves removed from the Council by their own nefarious activities, outside the provisions of the sacred Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, and unsuccessful in their attempt to imitate Ruhiyyih Khanum and the “hands” – their coalition coup fell apart each going their own separate ways and making different claims. This resulted in the formation of more than one minority factions, none of which in and of itself amounted to either a quorum or majority of the Council.

One notorious faction led by the former Treasurer of the Council, allied itself with another faction led by the former wife of Neal Chase, who had taken away his two children via the American family court system, using religion and his role as the Guardian as pretext, all the while telling the children that their father had been expelled from the Baha’i Faith as Covenant-breaker (that is by her group allied with the group of the Treasurer) and therefore they should shun him and have no contact with him on these religious grounds whatsoever. This joint scheme was first run through the Courts system of the local Colorado Baha’i Council and then up through to the second IBC/UHJ. When it failed there, that is it divided the IBC/UHJ members, these two factions then took the case to the State Courts of both Montana and Colorado: to Montana to destroy the IBC/UHJ and in Colorado, to separate the children from their father.

However in the interim, these two factions separated themselves from the rest of the community, declared Neal Chase and those with him to be Covenant-breakers, and began to indoctrinate and alienate his own children into this way of thinking as well. It was Mason Remey all over again. Families were destroyed, homes wrecked, by these usurpers who – with no authority from the Will and Testament and text of the Covenant – aggrandized to themselves the switcheroo to declare those who remained firm in the Covenant as violators.

This choice of tactic by his former wife, though reported to the Colorado court as definite “parental alienation” by the Court appointed special advocate was upheld and enforced against him and two minor children by the Colorado Family courts. Not knowing what else he could do, not wishing to further disrupt the lives of his children who received threats and alienation tactics by the other parties after his visits with him, and after a very long and protracted attempt to be able to preserve visitation and relationships with his children, and after going into debt into the amount of tens of thousands of dollars, when asked about this, he said, “These types of things happen to many people – therefore why should I be spared from these things, when my mission to is to help the people. Jesus was not the only person crucified thousands of years of ago, this was a common occurrence that happened to many people. Another famous example is Spartacus. Examples such as these lead to the fall of the Roman Empire. America must transform or fall as well. The choice rests its leadership in government, in education, in the media, etc. The Baha’i faith brings justice for all, not justice for one. Therefore Baha’u’llah suffered 40 years of injustice, ‘Abdu’l-Baha 40 years, Dr. Jensen suffered this type of injustice as well, and so shall I. This is because this faith, the true Baha’i Faith, establishes something the world has never seen before, Justice. Therefore those that promotes this learn a lesson in justice through these type of glaring injustices. Many of the people have lost their families and loved ones in these types of violations of the Covenant. Having survived these things many of these people – have seen through the lies, slander and calumny of the enemy and have seen and felt the real love and light and kindness and perseverance of those true ones under the provisions of the Covenant and have now come back from the many other groups (who masqueraded as “Baha’i”) and have found refuge, haven and reunion with their families and loved here under the provisions of the Covenant in the true Kingdom, in association and communion with the living Davidic King, an aghsan, the great grandson of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, in exile. It is the love of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and his scared Will and Testament that has drawn them all back, and re-grown the beautiful leaves, flowers and fruit on this blessed tree of the international community of the Covenant.

“This is what ‘Abdu’l-Baha himself has said in his Last Tablet to America, “Behold from all over the world they come and enter the Kingdom, and the children of the Kingdom are cast out!”  The real thing is to live the life, this means not hating anybody or anyone form any reason. Jesus said we must love on another. Thus you must love you neighbor, but you don’t have to love the bad things he does to you. I have fullest confidence of God’s wisdom in all things. In the end al the people will come back under the Covenant. They will do this in this life or the next. What choice have they? There is no where else to go, but into the Light. Surely they can hide from this from a few short years here, but in the end, as we live on his earth, and breath his air, and eat his food, there is no where else to go, no other place, haven or refuge. The problem for the people, is the type of adjustments they may need to make based upon what they have done. Therefore ours is not top judge or condemn, but to leave them over to God for He is the prayer hearing prayer answering Lord! For example is the prayer or sacred verse “There but for the grace of God go I!” Therefore in cases such as these we must be every cautious to not only remain firm in the Covenant according to the letter, but to the spirit as well. When my other children are mature and are grown into their own, I will see them again, soon enough. This is predestined, if they share these same qualities and attributes we have spoken of here today.”

The attempted to destroy the IBC/UHJ in the Montana Courts bore no fruit for the violators either. In the end, they disbanded and went their own separate ways. All that remains, is the evidence, proofs, bona fides and legal credentials within the court system, for lawyers to see how the succession of the throne-line of King David continues legally from Baha’u’llah, to ‘Abdu’l-Baha, to Mason, Pepe and then to Neal Chase.


  1. !اله منم

    God I Am!


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